
    Matt Best

    Matt Best

    Recent posts by Matt Best

    8 min read

    The Battle Against Big Tech For Control Over User Data

    By Matt Best on 4/27/21 3:01 PM

    Working in the customer data space, MetaRouter has had to butt heads against some of the largest tech companies in existence.

    Topics: server-side Data Security cookies big tech
    5 min read

    The Server-Side Difference

    By Matt Best on 4/14/21 2:13 PM

    Server-side data processing is becoming more and more of a hot topic in the customer data industry, in light of restrictions and performance issues plaguing users' browsers. It's a solution that is often referenced by multiple companies in the space: Google, Segment, Tealium, and others are all trying to get in the game and boost their capabilities here, with varying degrees of success.

    But there is one key difference that sets MetaRouter apart from the rest.

    11 min read

    How to Make the Most Out of Amplitude

    By Matt Best on 1/26/21 2:19 PM

    Developments in data collection and analysis methods have enabled marketers to create highly tailored experiences to increase customer acquisition, involvement, and retention. 

    Today, data collection tools are much more accurate and able to capture the essence of personalized communication at the most fundamental level.

    Topics: integrations amplitude
    9 min read

    How to Make the Most Out of Mixpanel

    By Matt Best on 11/10/20 12:00 PM

    Detailed data allows marketers to create precise segments and a 360° view of customers to target them more granularly and connect with them on a deeper level.

    To be able to leverage your data assets, it is critical to have access to a depth and breadth of accurate and reliable data.

    Topics: Flexibility cloud metarouter cloud mixpanel integrations
    8 min read

    CDP vs. DMP vs. CDI: A Guide

    By Matt Best on 10/13/20 10:00 AM

    In a competitive market dominated by data-driven marketers, the success of your marketing strategy depends on your ability to leverage customer data effectively.

    Topics: Flexibility Data Security
    9 min read

    Which Data Storage Solution Do You Need?

    By Matt Best on 9/9/20 2:27 PM

    Anyone getting serious about data analysis has to get serious about data storage. 

    We recently wrote about the pros and cons of a data lake, data warehouse, or both. But even once you make that call, there is more research to be done.

    Topics: Flexibility Technology Data Security data storage
    6 min read

    Data Lakes vs. Data Warehouses

    By Matt Best on 7/14/20 1:01 PM

    "Big data" has been the topical buzzword in the tech scene for quite some time now and has an ever-important role to play in the way that technology continues to advance. If you're not already taking advantage of the plentiful insights that your customers' day-to-day transactions and interactions with your brand convey, then we hate to say it, but you're falling behind. Off-the-shelf analytics toolsets like Google Analytics and others offer great data insights to get started, but there comes a time when you need to supercharge your data analysis capabilities.

    Topics: data infrastructure data warehousing data data lake data warehouse storing events