
    Yetunde Abass

    Recent posts by Yetunde Abass

    5 min read

    Are You Ready For CCPA?

    By Yetunde Abass on 6/20/19 10:55 AM

    We’re less than six months away from when the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will take effect. On January 1, 2020 more than half a million US-based companies will be subject to the California law meant to give consumers more control over their personal information.

    Topics: Compliance CCPA data regulation
    5 min read

    CCPA: What You Need to Know about California’s New Privacy Regulations

    By Yetunde Abass on 5/30/19 7:00 AM

    Digital privacy rights have been a growing point of activism among consumers, legislators, and civil liberties experts. In recent years, protests and petitions have morphed into actual laws. In 2016, the European Union passed the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR)—the first major law addressing data protection and privacy. It went into effect in May 2018.

    While there is no federal equivalent of GDPR in the United States, a growing number of states and municipalities are passing their own laws that address data privacy and security in some fashion. So far, only California has passed legislation that could be considered on a par with GDPR.

    Topics: Compliance CCPA data regulation