
    Yetunde Abass

    Recent posts by Yetunde Abass

    5 min read

    A Closer Look at Cloud Security: AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

    By Yetunde Abass on 8/4/20 2:59 PM

    The move from on premises to cloud infrastructure is happening at a rapid pace. Many organizations require the cloud to power application development and to support workloads that traditional data centers can no longer manage. In fact, Gartner expects cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to be a $74 billion industry by 2022.

    For many companies, transitioning to cloud is not something that can wait any longer. 

    Topics: Data Security
    4 min read

    5 Practical Ways to Boost E-Commerce Growth

    By Yetunde Abass on 6/25/20 8:49 AM

    Guess how many visitors to e-commerce sites actually make a purchase? Less than three percent. This means that retailers have to maximize every opportunity to increase revenue from current buyers and bring in new customers. 

    Topics: lower latency website performance website optimization ecommerce
    5 min read

    4 Recent Healthcare Data Breaches (That Could Have Been Prevented)

    By Yetunde Abass on 5/5/20 10:50 AM

    Protected health information is arguably the most regulated type of sensitive data around. It’s the only kind of data that has a broad reaching federal law protecting it specifically. The Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act (HIPAA) contains extensive regulations regarding the collection and use of PHI (you can check out our primer on HIPAA here).

    Topics: data breaches healthcare hipaa
    4 min read

    How to Build a Children's App that Kids Love and Parents Trust

    By Yetunde Abass on 4/28/20 10:19 AM

    When the two largest mobile app marketplaces (App Store and Google Play), made drastic changes to children’s app development guidelines last year, they left developers unsure of how they could continue to maintain their ad-supported business models. Yet the need to protect children's data is prescient.

    4 min read

    Advertising Without Third-Party Cookies

    By Yetunde Abass on 4/22/20 10:11 AM

    It seems like the life of the third-party cookie has finally reached its end. While it has been a staple of digital advertising almost since the advent of the commercial web, the third-party cookie’s power has been slowly chipped away by browser developers, regulators, and consumers.

    Topics: martech adtech cookies
    4 min read

    5 Things To Know in a Post-CCPA World

    By Yetunde Abass on 2/4/20 8:04 AM

    As of this writing, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has only been in effect for a few weeks but has already changed the way many companies inside and outside of the Golden State do business.

    Topics: Compliance CCPA Page Post Data Security
    4 min read

    Navigating New Regulations for Children's Apps

    By Yetunde Abass on 1/22/20 8:17 AM

    The year 2019 was a time of reckoning for the industry of children's apps. In February, ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, was hit with a $5.7 million fine from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for illegally collecting names, email addresses, pictures, and the geographic locations of children under 13 in violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

    Topics: Security Compliance Data Security
    5 min read

    Is Your Data Compliant with HIPAA?

    By Yetunde Abass on 1/3/20 10:19 AM

    Perhaps more than any other industry, healthcare must be a leader in securing personal information. Breaches happen, and healthcare information is perhaps most sensitive. The amount of information that healthcare providers, payers, and adjacent entities collect on individuals is vast and includes not just medical information, but also financial and personally-identifying data.

    Topics: Compliance Data Security
    5 min read

    The Impact of Data Regulations on Adtech

    By Yetunde Abass on 12/23/19 6:30 AM

    If you’ve spent any amount of time on the public internet, you’ve encountered adtech. The underlying technology responsible for ads that follow you across the web and appear at the top of your search results is becoming a larger and more important industry every day.

    Adtech is, of course, fueled by data. In an age where increased data collection is the norm, and concerns about privacy and security are on the rise, we thought it would be useful to take a deeper dive into this industry.

    Topics: Compliance CCPA Page Post Data Security
    5 min read

    The Impact of Data Regulations on Martech

    By Yetunde Abass on 12/17/19 9:28 AM

    We have spent some time on this blog discussing data privacy, security, and the regulations around how business can use personal information. While we have focused mostly on the highly-regulated industries of healthcare and finance, we thought it was important to spend some time discussing two industries that are growing in scale and importance—marketing and advertising tech.

    Topics: Compliance CCPA Page Post Data Security
    7 min read

    Taking a Closer Look at the Data: PII

    By Yetunde Abass on 8/1/19 8:48 AM

    With every week there seems to be another story about a data breach or a company being held accountable for a previous one. States and jurisdictions are racing to put laws on the books to protect consumer privacy and/or mitigate damage of data exposure.

    But what data are these laws protecting?

    Topics: Security Compliance personal data pii data data regulation
    5 min read

    CCPA: Where We Go From Here

    By Yetunde Abass on 7/11/19 4:01 PM

    We’ve spent some time on this blog discussing the intricacies of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and how companies should prepare for its start in January 2020. An equally important exercise is looking to the future of not just CCPA, but data privacy laws more broadly. It’s likely that CCPA will be just the first of multiple data privacy laws in the United States, and this potential patchwork of state laws may spur the federal government to develop a nationwide standard.

    Topics: Compliance forecasting CCPA data regulation