
    Preston Ketchum

    Preston Ketchum

    Recent posts by Preston Ketchum

    4 min read

    Why Every Organization Needs Customer Data Infrastructure

    By Preston Ketchum on 3/18/21 9:00 AM

    When it comes to handling customer data, the list of acronyms for what analysts, product specialists and marketers need is growing—CDP, DMP, CDI … the list goes on. While each tool and category differs, they all have one thing in common: they integrate customer data. 

    Topics: business intelligence cloud marketing stack metarouter cloud analytics
    3 min read

    Is Your Data Accurate?

    By Preston Ketchum on 7/27/20 3:50 PM

    In some cases, inaccurate data causes no harm or foul. But not usually. 

    Fortune 500, Healthcare, Finance, and Enterprise corporations actioning—perhaps also monetizing—data must be analyzing accurate, timely, and consistent information. Otherwise, it’s completely unreliable.

    Topics: enterprise privacy product server-side data accuracy
    4 min read

    Thinking About Building An In-house Data Integration Solution?

    By Preston Ketchum on 6/10/20 11:23 AM

    Think about NASA.
    Topics: Flexibility Security Compliance Technology Data Security GDPR
    3 min read

    Are you ready for LGPD?

    By Preston Ketchum on 6/1/20 10:42 AM

    On April 3, 2020, the Brazilian Senate approved a Bill of Law (“PL 1179/2020”), which includes a number of emergency measures intended to address the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    Of particular interest to us, one provision delays the effective date of the Brazilian Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais, “LGPD”) until January 2021. Fines and sanctions for companies that fail to comply with the LGPD are now scheduled to become effective August 2021.

    Topics: Compliance lgpd
    8 min read

    Data Privacy and Using Location Data to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

    By Preston Ketchum on 5/15/20 12:53 PM

    In response to the CDC’s approach to fighting COVID-19 through contact tracing, governments and tech companies across the globe are working together to use geo-tracking data to gain insight into the spread of the disease and develop apps to enforce quarantines or identify people who may have been exposed to the virus. 

    Topics: Data Security data privacy contact tracing