
    Laurel Brunk

    Recent posts by Laurel Brunk

    3 min read

    Creating A Culture of Mentorship

    By Laurel Brunk on 3/23/21 9:14 AM

    About a year ago, Levi Cook joined our team as an engineering and leadership coach because we believe mentorship is a powerful tool for learning. So we sat down to ask him why he values engineering mentorship and how he’s approached it most effectively:

    4 min read

    Personal Information: How Secure Is It, Really?

    By Laurel Brunk on 9/1/20 2:08 PM

    This morning, I woke up to a text from my sister-in-law: “I knew my phone was listening to me... Facebook is giving me all ads for homes in Colorado.” 

    Last night, we’d met for dinner and I told her that I was moving. 

    Was her phone listening? Probably not.

    Topics: pii Technology data regulation Data Security data privacy
    2 min read

    Big Changes for Attribution Mean Big Changes for Marketers

    By Laurel Brunk on 7/17/20 2:30 PM

    With the removal of third-party cookies and increasing compliance mandates, marketers can prepare now for big changes to attribution.

    Topics: website performance martech marketing stack website optimization
    3 min read

    How to Run An “Innovation Week” To Accelerate Problem-Solving

    By Laurel Brunk on 7/10/20 10:27 AM

    To close out Q2, we hosted an in-house hack-a-thon as an opportunity to create without constraints and validate ideas. For three days, our engineers broke into teams and began work based on a specific hypothesis. The week culminated in a formal demo—and an internal vote to declare a winner. 

    Topics: Development (Demo) engineering
    1 min read

    The True Impact of Page Load Time

    By Laurel Brunk on 6/22/20 2:19 PM

    *Photo by Praveen kumar Mathivanan on Unsplash. Infographic is based off of this great article by Viki Green. You can download a PDF to share. 

    Topics: lower latency website performance website optimization
    1 min read

    The New Martech Era: Advice On The Right Tools And Processes For The New Way We'll Work

    By Laurel Brunk on 5/27/20 2:59 PM

    Last week, we had the opportunity to join Dan McGaw at Effin Amazing (soon-to-be for a panel discussion on how to make sure your marketing tech stack stays safe while keeping costs down, especially with the many changes happening in the industry (e.g. the New MarTechEra witnessed hundreds of tools being invested in less).

    Topics: martech marketing stack
    2 min read

    How A Leading Healthcare Company Stays HIPAA Compliant with MetaRouter

    By Laurel Brunk on 5/15/20 1:30 PM

    Integrating marketing and analytical tools with HIPAA is no small feat. With regulations around audits, remediation plans, staff training, documentation, formal Business Associate Agreements (BAAs), and even incident plans, HIPAA is one of the most stringent regulations in effect. 

    3 min read

    ICYMI: Thrive Don't Just Survive the Stackapocalypse

    By Laurel Brunk on 4/30/20 12:07 PM

    On Tuesday, March 31, we joined Effin Amazing for a webinar about how marketing teams in any industry can prepare for inevitable upcoming changes. Here’s a description of the webinar and a full recording (with viewer’s guide). 

    With the crisis of COVID-19 comes the “Stackapocalypse.” In this brave new webinar, Dan discusses what it is and how to thrive—not just survive.

    Topics: martech marketing stack COVID-19
    4 min read

    Why Every Data Scientist Needs A Data Engineer

    By Laurel Brunk on 2/14/19 6:34 AM

    The data scientist was deemed the “sexiest job of the 21st century.” The Harvard Business Review reasons that this “hybrid of data hacker, analyst, communicator and trusted adviser” is a rare combination of skills, worth a high paycheck.

    Too good to be true? Yes, according to Forbes. Turns out, data scientists spend most of their time (up to 79%!) on the part of their job they hate most.

    Topics: Flexibility data engineering data science romance