
    Kayly Lange

    Recent posts by Kayly Lange

    5 min read

    The Best Way to Manage Tags Might Not Be A Tag Manager

    By Kayly Lange on 10/1/20 10:49 AM

    Tags have been around since the 90s, but they are more relevant than ever for businesses. They provide companies with valuable insights into the habits, preferences, and demographics of their customer base. Tags—or the marketing tools they enable, rather—allow businesses to create a better customer experience and make informed decisions.

    Topics: data warehousing seo optimization Data Security data accuracy tag management
    6 min read

    9 Tools for Better Marketing and Advertising

    By Kayly Lange on 1/14/20 2:19 PM

    The digital marketing landscape has become a crowded one. Although the competition might be fierce for users’ attention, the right tools can give you an edge without breaking a sweat.

    Although you may be using martech (marketing technology) or adtech (advertising technology), you still might be missing out on valuable markets. Is your engagement down? Do you hear crickets when tuning in to your once-profitable platform?

    Topics: Page Optimization martech adtech
    6 min read

    What’s New in B2B UI/UX Research?

    By Kayly Lange on 1/8/20 11:27 AM

    Let's face it: B2B is infamous for a poor user experience (UX).

    Many companies fear that changing their applications and websites will anger their current customers. To be fair, users usually don't take to change very well. Many also assume that B2B and B2C sales and marketing are fundamentally different. While websites and applications are part of the sales process, B2B sales typically don't begin and end by one visit to an eCommerce site.

    Topics: Flexibility Page Optimization
    6 min read

    Why We Love Kafka's Open Source Data Pipelines

    By Kayly Lange on 12/12/19 12:46 PM

    Apache Kafka is a popular choice for organizations that need to collect, move, and store large amounts of data. In fact, more than a third of the Fortune 500 companies use Kafka, including PayPal, Microsoft, and Uber. 

    In addition to top tech companies adopting Kafka, it's gaining popularity among organizations that are usually slow to adopt new technology.

    So why is it taking enterprises by storm?

    Topics: Flexibility engineering
    7 min read

    Is Tag Bloat Hurting Your Business?

    By Kayly Lange on 11/27/19 9:27 AM

    Tags go by a lot of different names in the tech world. Trackers, beacons, and pixels all mean the same thing: a snippet of code added to a site to collect and send information.

    Easy to set up, they provide important information for the website owners and their third parties, enabling companies to give users the personalized experience that they have come to expect.

    However, the very thing that companies use to help grow their business could actually be chasing their customers away.

    Topics: lower latency tag bloat seo optimization website performance Page Optimization
    6 min read

    Server-Side Streaming for the Security Conscious

    By Kayly Lange on 8/12/19 6:25 AM

    In the late 90s, businesses became aware that they could track their customers’ data with JavaScript tags. The revolution of data tracking began. As the Internet grew, companies could get better insight into their users’ preferences and shopping habits. They can now understand their customers better than ever. They can even figure out when their customers are pregnant—before their own families.

    Topics: Security data infrastructure reliability server-side
    5 min read

    Three Major Players Moving Away from Client-Side Tags

    By Kayly Lange on 7/22/19 7:56 AM

    Since the late 90s, if a company wanted to know more about their virtual users, tags were the way to go. However, that’s all starting to change.

    Client-side tags are falling out of favor in a significant way. With the rise of smartphones, legislation over data, and the emphasis on customer experience, tags can’t keep up with modern e-commerce. Instead, companies are starting to lean on server-side data to get the information that they need.

    Topics: Security page optimizations tag governance server-side Page Optimization
    6 min read

    Comparing Cloud Providers: AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

    By Kayly Lange on 6/13/19 7:55 AM

    In a little over a decade, the cloud went from a new buzzword and fascinating concept to indispensable for business. In fact, by 2020, it's predicted that 67% of enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based, and 82% of the workload will reside on the cloud.

    Topics: Flexibility data engineering cloud providers dev engineering